Monday, March 28, 2011

Hey all of you Galesburg Middle Schoolers! I hope you had a great spring break. I would like you to tell me the following about yourselves in a blog.

1. What did you do productive this past week? (tell about it)
2. What did you do "just for fun?"
3. What happened, if anything that you did not enjoy? (tell about it)

Do you think Spring Break is important for kids and teachers? Why or why not?


Anonymous said...

I really didn't do anything productive this past week. I just sat around and watched TV and all that other junk. For fun? Well, I went shopping and went to Tulsa to the Texas and Arizona game and the KU and Illinois. What I didn't enjoy was that I was bored the whole time. So by Monday, I was ready to go back to school.
By: Courtney. (:

Anonymous said...

The only thing i did productive was have an eye docters appointment and pick out my new glasses. I cleaned my room for fun i guess... is that normal? Anyway i didn't enjoys spending my spring break mostly in my house. I actually do think that spring break is important for kids and teachers, it allows you to sleep in!
-Lucy :D

Anonymous said...

My spring break was okay, I guess. I didn't do anything though. I didn't really do anything productive, but I did do my Social Studies test, and the story we had to write for Mrs. DeLange if that counts. The only thing I did for fun was like watch T.V or something like that. I was on the computer a lot too, much to moms disgust.. Nothing exciting really happened. I did do one major accomplishment and you should be very proud of me... I cleaned out my closet! It was bad.. REALLY bad. I didn't get it done till like midnight. But that's about all I did over spring break.. Not that exciting. Nothing bad really happened. I couldn't hang out with anyone but that was about it. So that's how my break went.

Anonymous said...

1. I didn't do very many productive things. Cleaning house is the only productive thing I think I did. Well, I read, if that counts.
2. I rode my bike, played with my dogs, played outside, and chilled with my friends just for fun. Also watched TV and played video games.
3. Nothing exciting happened, and I didn't go anywhere except over to my mother and step dad's house for the weekend. I played basketball with my step dad, which was tons of fun. :) One thing I didn't enjoy was having to clean the house and do dishes. That's never any fun to do on a week off.
Yes, Spring Break is very important because it is a stress reliever, and so we won't get sick of each other.
As you can see, my Spring Break was on the boring and uneventful side. At least we all got a week off from school! :)

Anonymous said...

This past week Im not sure what i did productive... Well i went to visit my dad in Wamego Kansas, which is like three and a half hours away in the middle of no where!!!! But I found something fun to do anyway! I painted lots because i love arts and crafts!! I also road the four wheeler all over the farm to! I also went to visit the horses and baby calfs all the time! One thing i did not enjoy about being there is that during the day everybody had to go to work so i was home alone till like 1:30 or so. But I didnt wait to long because I slept in pretty late!! Yes I think spring break is importatnt to both kids and teachers because its a reason to get away from things awhile!!


Anonymous said...

What i did productive was that i beat my god of war game for PSP and i played basket ball with my brother. Me and my dad tore down a garage and rebuilt it for $300.I fell off of a garage roof trying to take it apart and i just about broke my foot.


Anonymous said...

At the beginning of the week I went to Joplin with my dad. We ate at a japenesse sushi and steak house, went to the movies, stayed the night at a hotel, went to Academy Sports, and then we went to the flea market their. At the flea market a lady was selling yorkies. So because of Ty wanting one we got a puppy. Stephanie named her Nessa. On Thursday I went to Branson with my mom and grandma. We saw several shows and did several things their. We went and saw my friend Alexa Fawson and my great aunt Linda. We left on Saturday and shopped in Joplin. We did a lot of things just for fun. In Branson I even fell down a flight of stairs. I did not enjoy baby sitting my brothers,and knowing I was going to have to go back to school. Ashlyn :)

Anonymous said...

This Spring Break I did many things to be productive. I fed cattle every mourning, built a bridge, worked on a tyrod on the 4450, unloaded 1530 lbs of feed, and worked for the U.S goverment. I went laser tagin' for fun, I also went muddin' around trying to grain the cattle. I didn't enjoy was breaking the tyrod on the four wheeler and about wrecked it when I was driving. I was always a big fan of spring break because it give the children and teachers a break before or after state assements. So that is what I did over the spring break.


Anonymous said...

i didn't do much. i watched TV slept in got on facebook. i did go to my uncles in missouri so i guess that was fun. i got a new flat screen in my house, just in time to watch KU loose, so now we have one in every room we stay in.i went fishing and caught all together around sixty cropie so thats what i did.

Anonymous said...

During spring break i didn't do anything productive unless you call sleeping in productive? something fun I did was go to Texas and watch the Boston Celtics play the Houston Rockets! It was really fun and cool. Something else i did that was fun was go to Sea World. What i didn't enjoy is while we were at Sea World we went to the wave pool and we went to see Shamoo and i was al dry and then i accidently sat in the splash zone and got soaked again!!!!!

by: Gage

Anonymous said...

I built a planter bench with my mom it took all week but it look assome.I wachet all the movies in theater and hung out with frinds. i got in trouble so i had to be grounded for all spring break. i think spring break is inportent for kids we get a break


Anonymous said...

I really didn't do anything productive at all....i just sat around and watched t.v. all day. Landyn, Aubrey and I went outside with Landyn's new air soft gun and we shot each other. It was fun! i dropped my phone in the bathtub and it was all messed up for awhile. I finally got it to work again though! the speakers wouldn't work on it so I took the phone apart and put it in the freezer. It worked after that! Yes I think it is important for kids to get away from setting in a building for 7 hours and do work. I think it is important for teachers to get away from all their students.

Anonymous said...

This spring break I did a lot of fun things! I did a lot of reading this past break and helped my mom with some of her preschool stuff. I also went fishing a lot. One day we caught about 40 fish in two hours!!!!! I also played video games and played basketball. One thing I did not enjoy was in Omaha, Nabraska at the zoo my car got broken into and they stole a purse!! I think spring break is very important because then kids and teachers get bored and might not do there best. That was my spring break!!!
By: Colby :)

Anonymous said...

This past week i didn't do anything really productive i had a few friends over. I had KIrsten And Yasmin over but thats all. For fun i went to Tulsa I went shopping with Yasmin and to cosmic bowling it was funny. We went cosmic bowling in Pittsburg with the 4-H club we had pizza too. The only thing i didn't like was that i didn't go with my family to Topeka I should of went.

Anonymous said...

I went shopping with my grandma and sister and got new shoes, got a new pill fold. I went to the park Sunday and played basketball with a friend and my sister and little brother went to. I watched TV for fun and i had to get up at 4 every morning. I didn't enjoy cleaning house and geting up at 4 in the morning.

Anonymous said...

I did a lot of productive stuff the past week. I got some new cars on my video game i got a rabbit. i helped with my dads truck. i sorta cleaned my room, and i watched Tv. For fun? i rode my motorcycle. I got to go fishing but when i got there my dad was done fishing.
By: Katie :D

Anonymous said...

I really didn't do anything productive the past week. We went to Florida for spring break and went to Magic Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, and Universal Studios. One of the things I enjoyed was this dinosaur ride. You get inside a cart and it drives you around in this building in pitch black and it feels like you are in a jungle. Then dinosaurs will pop out of nowhere and roar and it's so loud it hurts your ears. But it was kind of scary. I felt bad for a little girl that rode the ride. But I didn't enjoy Animal Kingdom as much. That is what I did over spring break.

Anonymous said...

well i spent all night trying to beat call of duty black opps but it didnt happen. i went to my dads for one week we went to the mall that was a lot of fun. but the thang i did not enjoy was geting 5n trouble that was not fun at all in had to stay in my room for the hole night.

by cameron

Anonymous said...

Really the only thing I did productive this week was shoot bird and turtles. i shoot at least two turtles. What I did for fun is shoot, jump on the trampoline and go to the Zoo. The thing that i didn't enjoy was clinging my room. That's some of what I did this weekend.


Anonymous said...

Over spring break i actually did a lot of stuff. One of the things i did was work on our enduro cross track.Also spent a lot of time riding my dirt bike. The bad thing was i was doing wheelies and i went to hight and fell of the back and got a little road rash. I also went fishing i caught 15 bass.

Aaron Jack d:)

Anonymous said...

For spring break I stayed in my house my mom thought I was highbernating in my room all spring break and I did a little shoping and went to work with my mom all the time and walked dogs "ALL DAY LONG"
i thought I was going to die but i lived through it barely
just barley i'm suprised my mom was going to rip my head off because I wasn't doing anything right and I missed "GABI TO DEATH I THOUGHT I WAS GOING TO DIE" but good thing it was time for school or I would of died GABI+BROOKE=BESTIES


Anonymous said...

I had n okay school break. I worked from 10-3 every day and that is early for me, but at least i got some money to buy my bird. At The Rose Garden outside of Erie. There is a guy and his wife raise birds, all types of birds. One of te mothers and fathers just layed two eggs! i have to get a boy so i could teach him how to talk, because if i got a girl she cant talk, i thought it was weird but i get it now. He is gonna sell him to me for half off ($75.) I have even found a bird cage and little things to go with. But anyway back to my break, I have been baby sitting nine toddlers and two babies. At least the babies don't scream, kick, bite and a lot more other stuff that would be way to long to write here but you get it by now. This summer I am gonna baby sit even more and mabe buy somthing special for my mom:)

-Gabrielle Elizabeth Whelchel

Anonymous said...

I cant really think of anything I did productive. mostly during spring break I rode dirtbikes played basket ball watched tv and played Black ops. So really I didnt do anything productive. The only bad thing that I did during spring break was do Science which as everybody knows is not fun at all. Spring break is definitely important because it gives kids and teachers a break from school.


Anonymous said...

Well I baked cookies and I went to a 4-H meeting. I took a walk around Forest Park with my grandma's dog. His name is Garmen. People were playing tennis when got they left the park so we went to get any tennis balls that they left. they left 8 tennis balls. I also went to katie's house and spent the night, wealso boused on the trampoline. WE got bored so we went to the store ( petes) and I boght ice cream for both of us.

Anonymous said...

I didn't do anything productive the whole spring break other than being online and earning badges online. for fun i went out and literally bought 20 bags of chips (cool ranch flavored), and also got 4 two litters. The marathon lasted 2 days including sleep. I pretty much enjoyed it all.

-Conner C.

Anonymous said...

I didn't do anything productive the whole spring break other than being online and earning badges online. for fun i went out and literally bought 20 bags of chips (cool ranch flavored), and also got 4 two litters. The marathon lasted 2 days including sleep. I pretty much enjoyed it all.

-Conner C.

Anonymous said...

I didn't do anything productive the whole spring break other than being online and earning badges online. for fun i went out and literally bought 20 bags of chips (cool ranch flavored), and also got 4 two litters. The marathon lasted 2 days including sleep. I pretty much enjoyed it all.

-Conner C.

Anonymous said...

During spring break not just because i got grounded again its because there was nothing to do so
I just pretty much watched t.v. (that's what pretty much everyone did) and if I didn't get my phone taking away i would of been txting all last week. I didn't enjoy not getting to go anywhere (because I was grounded). And i definitely think it's important that kids need spring break.

Anonymous said...

All I did for the break was going to Oklahoma City. To see my sister before she had a baby boy. Then went home to clean the house.

Anonymous said...

what i did productive is i did dishes most of the week, (whitch i hate doing). i had to clean out our car when we went to oklahoma. i also cooked supper for a while week. i went fishing a few time for fun i was also climbing rocks in disney oklahoma. i didnt enjoy all of the rain in oklahoma and i didnt like that we were driving for 3 hours. here are a few things that i did over spring break.

Hailey Beach

Anonymous said...

The only thing I did that was productive was do the dishes and clean my room. I spent 2 days at the hospital, because my mom had her baby! Besides that I went shopping and watched t.v. It was a pretty boring time! I was ready to come back to school on Monday.

Anonymous said...

The only thing i did that was productive was i ran for track and ran a half mile and I ran hills and I felt like my appendix burst and walked the whole way back. I also cleaned walnuts out of our yard. I went Lazer Tagging in Joplin and went to Kansas City to buy track shoes. the only thing I didnt enjoy about the break was that it was kinda boring. YES spring break is important everyone needs a good break especially when all the stress is built up around state assessments.

Anonymous said...

My spring break was kind of boring. I washed dishes, cleaned my room, cleaned the kitchen, and washed more dishes. For fun I went to my friends house and we had lots of fun. I did get grounded for a few days but that's really the only bad thing that happened to me other than that it was pretty boring

Anonymous said...

I cleaned my room for fun because I needed to. I did not that I was bored half of the time I was home. Yes, because kids and teachers need a break. Kids need a break from school to from what I think.

By Jared

Anonymous said...

I did house work and helped carry wood and cleaned my room. i played video games.i did not enjoy cleaning and working. brody daniels

Anonymous said...

What I did that was productive was, i helped my grandma clean up her yard for a couple of hours.
what i did for fun was i played the play station with my two brothers, and wyatt. what i didnt enjoy was that i did not get to ride my dirtbike all weekend because i had to buy a new part.

Payton Semrad

Anonymous said...

What I did that was productive was, i helped my grandma clean up her yard for a couple of hours.
what i did for fun was i played the play station with my two brothers, and wyatt. what i didnt enjoy was that i did not get to ride my dirtbike all weekend because i had to buy a new part.

Payton Semrad

Anonymous said...

What I did that was productive was, i helped my grandma clean up her yard for a couple of hours.
what i did for fun was i played the play station with my two brothers, and wyatt. what i didnt enjoy was that i did not get to ride my dirtbike all weekend because i had to buy a new part.

Payton Semrad

Anonymous said...

What I did that was productive was, i helped my grandma clean up her yard for a couple of hours.
what i did for fun was i played the play station with my two brothers, and wyatt. what i didnt enjoy was that i did not get to ride my dirtbike all weekend because i had to buy a new part.

Payton Semrad

Anonymous said...

What I did that was productive was, i helped my grandma clean up her yard for a couple of hours.
what i did for fun was i played the play station with my two brothers, and wyatt. what i didnt enjoy was that i did not get to ride my dirtbike all weekend because i had to buy a new part.

Payton Semrad

Anonymous said...

What I did that was productive was, i helped my grandma clean up her yard for a couple of hours.
what i did for fun was i played the play station with my two brothers, and wyatt. what i didnt enjoy was that i did not get to ride my dirtbike all weekend because i had to buy a new part.

Payton Semrad

Anonymous said...

I went to l Little Rock Arkansas. We spent most of are time at the hospital. Because my uncle had brain surgery. I have memorized 3 floors. And spent time with my grandpa and thats all i did. By Ashton

Anonymous said...

i got parts for my bow. i went fishing and went to cabelas and bass pro shop. i went to an old person wedding and got sick. Wyatt M.