Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bring on State Assessments!

Hey kids,
It will soon be time for the "dreaded" state assessments! How do you feel about the state tests? Do they "freak" you out or are you confident enough that you somewhat enjoy them? Do you think it is important that we have standardized testing so that we can monitor student improvement and teacher effectiveness? How do your teacher's feel about the state tests? Blog back and let me know how you feel about the upcoming tests. Which ones will you be taking? How do you anticipate you will do? What is your best strategy to share with others that will help them do well on the tests? Write back, and remember to sign your name to your blog but publish anonmously!!

Mrs. T


Anonymous said...

I am not ready to do state assesments. I feel that i will fail, but i will try my hardest. if i do well or bad, i know that i tried my hardest to support my school.

Anonymous said...

I feel that it's coming way to fast. I feel confident about it, except for Science. I don't think it's that important, but the teachers do and so do some parents. They are cramming it in, so they probably feel rushed. I bet they want it to be over just like me. I will be taking reading, math, and science this year. My best strategy is to concentrate and try your hardest. I promise you will do good.

Courtney (:

Anonymous said...

I personally hate the state test.. I don't like sitting there for like two hours. But it doesn't really freak me out. I definitely DON'T enjoy it.. It is important that we have it though. I know that all the teachers are very serious about it. I just really want to get it over with

Anonymous said...

State assessments! Ugh, they are the worst thing ever! They're not hard, it's just that they take so long to do and are super boring! Assessments don't freak me out; I'm actually pretty calm about it and I know that I will do good because I did my best. It is important, because we need to know our strong and weak points with different subjects. I think some teachers dread the day it comes, but they work very hard to get us ready for that day. Even though I might be dreading it, I know I will do my best, and that will be good.

Anonymous said...

I don't like state test! I feel like its a lot of presure on us kids. State test don't "freak" me out but I'm also not confident enough that I enjoy them. I think its important because we need to know if the kids are learning anything. Well I'm not sure how my teachers like state testing but I know for sure I don't!!

Tori Pearson(:

Anonymous said...

state assesments do not freak me out but i do not want to do them at the same time. Teachers i think dont want to do state assesments but at the same time they do because they want to see what grade you are going to get.
payton semrad

Anonymous said...

I am more hoping to get them over so the teachers will stop freaking out. They kinda make me freak more when we get closer to them, but it isn't that bad. I think it is important to keep track on the students improvements and make sure the teachers are doing all that they can to help improve the students knowledge. Our teachers get all worked up over the state tests. They get all worried that we don't know everything that we need to know, so they make us do extra work. But in the end after everyone has taken them and met the standards they are all happy dancing around. I will be taking reading, science, and math tests. I think I will do fairly well like before but I still dread them. For other students I would say the best strategy for taking them would to be not get worked up that you will be late for something like your next class. And to not make it a race, but to take your time. When you take your time you will do extremely better. I can't wait to get them over with.

Anonymous said...

i do not want to do the state assessments. yes they do freak me out.I don't think anyone in the class wants to do the test.Yes i do think that is important that we have standardized test.Idon't know how they feel.


Anonymous said...

I actually think that state assessments are very important. It helps teachers know what you have learned through out the year. I'm not really that nervous... i know that i will at least do an OK job. I think you really get used to them. the strategy that you might use is reading the questions first, then you will know exactly what you are looking for. This year we are just having the usual reading and math. Hopefully i just do as good as last year. Also if you want to do good the thing that you can do is go through it slowly and read it carefully.

- Lucy

Anonymous said...

State assessments i kind of like them. I feel that i will do good on the state assessments. I really don't have a strategy. I think it would be important to standardize them so that the teachers will know if they can do it.

Anonymous said...

With these upcoming state assements I try to prepare for them by relaxing. What Imeans is I will go and ride the four wheeler or play Black Ops to unwind from all the work that day. If you don't go and unwind you get all stressed and will probably have a nervous breakdone. I'm not to worried about them because I always to good on them so i just fly right through them. It is important to monetor their improvement but they probably don't need to be this stressed apon. Teachers always seem to be nervouis about them. I think it is because they are graded by how we to so they try to make sure we do good so they do good, but it is just somthing you have to get done so lets go out there and to them. If you need help with my best tip is to not stress over it, just go out there and to your best.

Anonymous said...

i feel that i will maybe do good on them. No they don't freak me out because im getting kinda used to them. Yes it is important because if you don't have them then how do u know how much you really work that year. I think that our teacher are nervous because they dont know how much we have really been listening and they don't know how good we are going to do.

Anonymous said...

I believe that state tests are no problem. I wouldn't exactly say I enjoy them but I'm confident enough to take the tests I have to take. Well yes it's important that you standardize testing but teachers need to make like midterm or quarterly tests so we don't forget every thing instantly. I will be taking a math, a reading, and a science test. I always reach for the stars when taking these tests and say I will get exemplary on every test. And for everyone else just say you can do it and you can and remember nothing is impossible.


Anonymous said...

i think i'm ready to go head to to head with the assessments i will probably not mind the assessments they have never bothered me. yes, i think is very important to take these test because they are what show what is truly going on with the students you might never know what students had troubles if it weren't for these test.i think our teachers might under estimate some of the students but i think they feel really good this year because we have good teachers. i think that i will do good because iv never done bad. i would say my strategy would be head strong don't let the test intimidate you. Brody Daniels

Anonymous said...

Do we have to do state assesments? School is going by way to fast i wont to stay with the best teacher ever. i could stay her for years. this is the best school.

Anonymous said...

They scare me. It is good to take the test cause we can work harder on the things were not so good at. I think they get nervous like us, cause they want us to do the best we can. I will take a reading, math and science. I think I will do good if I study hard and pay attention in class. I think that if we focus we will all pass. ashton

Anonymous said...

I am not ready for state assisements.... Its coming way to fast! I wish it would slow down, because I feel like I'm going to fail. But I will try my hardest! If I do terrible bad or just plain out wrong... Ill know that I tried my hardest for my school! And I wish I could judt do it and know everything and past! :)) Do great all you guys!! Im hoping for all us! :)

Anonymous said...

I feel very super nervous about states tests. It depends on the subject. Like if its reading I'm fine but if its math I'm freaked out. i do think its important because if we didn't we wouldn't know what our scores were. Our teachers feel worried about us. I will be taking the math and reading test. I think i will do pretty good and hopefully pass both test!!!!

Gage R

Anonymous said...

I think there ok .I think its important for schools so they can get some support from the state. Teachers probably feel like lets get it over with all ready like me.

Katie :)

Anonymous said...

I am very NERVOUS. I always feel like I'm gunna choke. Well they seem kinda nervous and very suportive. We will be taking math and reading. iI think if i just dont think about it ill do good.

Anonymous said...

I am very NERVOUS. I always feel like I'm gunna choke. Well they seem kinda nervous and very suportive. We will be taking math and reading. iI think if i just dont think about it ill do good.

Anonymous said...

I think the state test are alright, I would be happier if we didnt have them. They dont freak me out but I dont enjoy them either. Yes I do think it's important. I think the teachers are just trying to get us prepaired. I think I will do good in the state assessments. My strategy is eating healthy go to bed early.

Wyatt Semrad

Anonymous said...

Well i guess there ok but i don't really like them.
I think I am confident enoughto take it on.
I know it is important because it is brought on by the state.Well I thin there mite be a little nervous and oh how re going to do in the subject.I have 3 math and 3 reading tests.I think I do just fine on my tests. Well I go to bed and eat heathly.

Kayleigh Wilson

Anonymous said...

I don't feel bad about them, i just really don't care for them all that much. I always do my best on them i just think they always seem to come too fast. I think that it is very important ti have standardized testing so teachers can tell what students are struggling in and what they need to review before state assessments. I think every teacher i have ever had seems to feel nervous or worried about their students taking the assessments. I know i will do my best on this years state assessments just like i have before. The best strategy i can think of is not to stress about it. It's a big deal yeah but all you yourself can do is your best.


Anonymous said...

I do not like the state tests at all. I am confident that i will get a passing grade but they are not fun at all!!!! Yes, it is important that we have testing because thats how teachers tell how smart you are. Every kid is smart on different things. My teachers do not like it but they know they have to do it. And they want it over with!! And so do I! I will take the math and reading state tests. I like math the best because it's easy.

By:Colby Hines

Anonymous said...

I really don't like the state test.It mite freak me out but I'm ready to pass.I do think it's important for the teachers the students and the school.I think some teachers are worried their kids are going to fail,but my second thought that is that they probly just want to get it over too. Its going to be hard taking math,english and science (I'll try my best).I would study a lot and if i don't see someone studying I'll ask them to study.


Anonymous said...

i like the state test because that means that schools all most out. yes i thank its important because you can show the teachers how much you learned.


Anonymous said...

I feel a little nerves but not that much. I kind of like them because they get me out of work. I think it's important so the school gets money. I think my teachers are confident about the test. we'll be taking the state assessment. I think I'll do good on the test. My strategy is to eat a good breakfast.


Anonymous said...

I am ready for state assesssments!! They have always ben pretty easy,I dont know why but i have never freaked out about them. they probally want them done more than anybody my stragety is read carfully and hope for the best!!! well now i am sighning out see'ya!!

aka Crash

Anonymous said...

It came too fast for me. Well i hate state assessments they are so long.They do not freak me out but,... I do not enjoy them. I would not be happy if i did not do good in the state test and my parents would not be happy either. Well i thing that the teacher are nerves and want it to be over. This year i will take math and reading. Well i thing i will do good or really good. I will try my best and never give up.


Anonymous said...

I am not scared of them. No one should be they are easy if you try hard. Yes science, math and reading are all important for when you get any job. Like I said no one should be scared.

-Gabrielle Anne

Anonymous said...

I feel that I am going to do good on the state assessments. State assessments freak me out because I don't know if I'm doing good or not so they really freak me out. I think it is important to have state assessments so we students can learn more and so teachers can teach what the students need to lean more about. We will be taking reading and math assessments.
Tiffany Marie Taylor

Anonymous said...

The reading ones aren't hard. Its the math ones I don't like. Them all together I don't mind. I enjoy reading ones though. I believe that it is important to take them to make sure that the teachers and the students are doing their jobs. The teachers are somewhat nervous because they don't want to be blamed if students don't pay attention. I think I will do within the 216 -224 like usuauael. Just study to do well.

Conner C.

Anonymous said...

I feel confident to take the state test and proud.I think it is a good idea to be monitored be the bored to see how the kids act. My home room teacher gets a scared a bit but my math teacher doesn't brake a sweat when it comes to state test. I will be taking math and reading. I don't think about the test. And go over to fiends.


Anonymous said...

I feel confident to take the state test and proud.I think it is a good idea to be monitored be the bored to see how the kids act. My home room teacher gets a scared a bit but my math teacher doesn't brake a sweat when it comes to state test. I will be taking math and reading. I don't think about the test. And go over to fiends.


Anonymous said...

I do not like the state assessments but they are just one of those things you have to do. they do not freak me out. I think its important that we have them just to see how well you are doing in school. My teachers want the state tests to be over. I am pretty sure I will do well and I will eat healthy and go to bed early for my strategy. I will be taking the reading and math state tests. that is what I think about the state tests.

Dylan R.