Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bring on Halloween!!!

Hey kids,
It's nearly time for the Fall holidays and Halloween comes to mind. I have always loved Halloween. I love to scare people but I am the biggest scaredy cat in the world. Weird, huh? I would like for you to think about your Halloweens from the past and share some of the traditions that you and your family have participated in. Has there been a time that you were especially spooked? What was your favorite costume of all time? Can you remember your worst treat you ever received? What about your favorite? Share some of your Halloween memories with me.


Anonymous said...

We usually go over to my Aunt and Uncles house and hang around there for a little bit. Then we will take my little cousin trick-or-treating. There have been a couple of times I got scared at this one house. The worst treat I've ever got was an apple from this old man.. I can't remember the best treat I got though.

Anonymous said...

One year me and my brothers we would lay on the ground under leaves and when people would walk by we would jump out of the leaves and them.Another year we had a huanted house in parsons and i scared this one kid so bad he pased out.

Anonymous said...

I guess i am not into Halloween but, one year i went to my aunts spoke house and they only thing i remember is someone in the dog house and they jumped out and grabbed my ankle i was like 7 so yes a cried like a baby. After that i was done getting candy even tho that was the first house i had been to but i was to terrified to go get anymore!


Anonymous said...

I guess i am not into Halloween but, one year i went to my aunts spoke house and they only thing i remember is someone in the dog house and they jumped out and grabbed my ankle i was like 7 so yes a cried like a baby. After that i was done getting candy even tho that was the first house i had been to but i was to terrified to go get anymore!


Anonymous said...

My favorite Halloween was last year. :) I dressed up as a gothic mummy, and the costume had the faded gauze wrapped around a dress and more gauze was just hanging off. I wore this corset type of clothing under the dress, so I had to stand or sit up extremely straight all night! I had on my black tights and my black combat boots, which looked super cool with the whole outfit. I wore black sparkly lipstick and black black eye shadow. I went trick or treating with my dad around Prairie West Park in Parsons, and stopped by my mother and step dad's house; they were handing out candy that year. One year, when I was really little, I went trick or treating with my dad and sister, and I got so scared! It was dark, and this man that was covered in what it looked like leaves, or maybe he was dressed up as Bigfoot, followed me around this one really spooky house! He was super tall. I ran behind my dad and pushed him forward because I wanted to leave, I was so scared! Now, as I look back at the memory, I laugh and wish I could relive it. I can't wait for this Halloween! --Maddy

Anonymous said...

no there has never been any triditions in my family because we are just not in to halloween that much. Noi have never been aspecially spooked because i dont really do halloween all i really do is hand out candy to the kids that stop at our house so my parents dont have to. I think my favorite costume of all time would be when i was like 3 i was a bumble bee. The worst treet i have ever recieved was a open container or pop rocks and the best on is when i get snickers, herseys, and milky ways.

from hailey beach
it is awsome i know......

Anonymous said...

my best haloween was fourth grade i went to tori's party the day before and went to rileys haunted houseand went trick or treating. i haven'thad any good costumes. the worst treat i have ever had was a bag of microwave popcorn . the best treat was a king size butter fingers.

by wyatt m.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe that I have ever been spooked. I haven't been to a real spook house before but I did go on my dads trail one time when he was doing it, but I wasnt really scared because I helped put it together. I havent really had a favorite costume yet. Or at least I dont remember it. I dont believe that I have had a worst treat, but I have had a best treat. It was Dixies homemade popcorn balls. A few memories that I had was when my great grandma and grandpa, Don and Dessie Taylor would wait outside for us. They always had a candy jar we could get out of and they had a little bag for us also. Another would be trick-or-treating at dixies. She would always take our picture. Those are a few of my memories.


Anonymous said...

My favorite coustum is fro when I was 4. It was Winnie The Pooh, I still have the coustum too, its at home. I got really spooked when I went to this haunted barn by Joplin, last year. There was this guy with a chain saw that chased you up a rap then there was a big drop of and you landed in a pile of hay and there was something grabing my foot. The worst treat i got was a camarl popcorn ball. The best treat i got was a can of pop and a full sized candy bar. Every I alternate between my mom and dad. This year im with my dad. So when im with my mom I go with my 3 sisters, my 2 brothers, my mom, and my step dad. When im with my da I go with friends and family. Sometimes I gom to my aunts and hand out candy if I dont feel like going trick-or-treating.
Brittany King

Anonymous said...

One time i went to these honted houses and i was skared to death,thereb was these guys with chane saws. Then this other hoanted house there was this black room with glow in the dark polkadots and this guy had this costume on that matched the room and he skared me. My favorite costume was being a witch when i was little. The worst treat i ever got was no candy at all. The bets treat i ever got was popcorn balls. One time my little sister made this little girl cry, funny,Ashton.

Anonymous said...

I've had some crazy halloweens but here is one of the caziest. I was four years old and there was this one house that was decorated from the yard to the roof. the guy who you trick or treated from hid in a coffin that was on the front porch. I was terrified to go up there and my mom finally went with me after tons of begging. After that I was fine and the next morning i didnt feel so good mostly cause I ate a trash bag and a half full of candy. I really cant remember my favorite costume. once it was really funny because my cousin dressed up as a girl for halloween, and after that night I laughed forever it was so funny. Well thats all I can remember so by


Anonymous said...

My family usually drive around and i would scare people in Moran but since im older i go to haunted houses like the asylum or ware house of terror.i was really scared one time i was outside of a haunted house and one of the people slamed a shovel down right next to me i ran as fast as i could then i ran into the same guy but it was two guys dressed the same.My favorite costume was John Wayne i was into it that year.The worst thing i ever got as a treat was some ancient chocolate imean it must have been 20 years favoite was a entire bag of sour nuclear sour patch year i was the headless horseman and i lost my cape and hat so i looked really stupid.brody daniels

Anonymous said...

My family usually goes to Gardner, KS. We go to a big bash party and hang around the house. I really got scared about four or five years ago when we went to a haunted place in the country. My favorite costume was jason. I dont remember my favorite and worst treat but im sure I had one.

Anonymous said...

my brother usully scares the kids when ther getting there candy. My favorite costume of all time is probly a devil which thats what im being this year. the worst tret i recived is most likely a sucker with no raper! i thank the best was a popcorn ball the had green popcorn. i rember this house that was out in the country that was so spooky that my dad had to take me up to it because i was to scared becuase i was four years old katie b.

Anonymous said...

Well last Halloween I put on a gorrilla mask and walked around town. We usually go to my grandmas house and have a dinner and candy. One time we went to Wayne Shively's house and Isaac scared me from behind!! me favorite costume was probably the gorrilla mask and I wore all black clothes with it. I didn't really get any bad treats. My favorite is probably the sweet candy. Halloween is very fun this year my church is having a hayride and i get to scare people!!!
Colby Hines

Anonymous said...

I go out and trick or treat and then most of the time i hang out with frinds. one time i went in to a hunted house and i was in 2 grd so i got real scared. my jason costom i scared lot of peopel. Suger dady'es, Carmel appels. Me and my dad made the best pupkins ever


Anonymous said...

Well last Halloween I put on a gorrilla mask and walked around town. We usually go to my grandmas house and have a dinner and candy. One time we went to Wayne Shively's house and Isaac scared me from behind!! me favorite costume was probably the gorrilla mask and I wore all black clothes with it. I didn't really get any bad treats. My favorite is probably the sweet candy. Halloween is very fun this year my church is having a hayride and i get to scare people!!!
Colby Hines

Anonymous said...

Well my family goes to Kyra and Mike. We ride on a hay rake ride. Yes, when I as little a guy was hiding behind a bush. I was a devil for two years. Butterfinger and kitkat I just hate those things. These one people that live by Mike's house gives a candy bar and a pop. One time it rained on us we had to get in a car and drive around.

Sloan Winder

Anonymous said...

I love halloween. But the time i got spooked was very funny. I was at this house and they had a scarecrow out side there house. As soon as i rang the door bell the scarecrow jumped up and it turned out to be a guy dressed up as one. My favorite costume was were i was buzz light year and don't make fun of me i was only four. The worst treat i have ever received was an apple. It was from a wierd old lady. My favorite was a snikers full sized. My favorite memory was were my little brother was so scared that he ran away from us and it took us an hour to find him. Then wen we did find him we got in big trouble and i got grounded by my dad for a week so it wasn't the best halloween ever. However i cant wait for this halloween!!! Gage R.

Anonymous said...

I do not trik or tret but I like to scar people. I dress up in blak and go to my new cherchfore a hallowen party. We are bringing snaks to.

aaron y

Anonymous said...

I usually hang out wth friends play ding dong ditch,then scare kids.After that we go get CANDY.
The best costume i had was a hunter that had shot himself deer hunting little kids were terrified.The
best treat i got was a monster m-80 from a lady the worst was shurger free candy.

Anonymous said...

I usually hang out wth friends play ding dong ditch,then scare kids.After that we go get CANDY.
The best costume i had was a hunter that had shot himself deer hunting little kids were terrified.The
best treat i got was a monster m-80 from a lady the worst was shurger free candy.

Anonymous said...

Some of the traditions me and my family do are going to spook houses and trick-or-treating. My favorite is the spook houses though. There was one time i did get really spooked. My brother and I were at a football game and we decided it would be fun to go get some candy from a different town. It was after the game and it was pitch black outside and there were weird noises all around that town. We walked up to this huge house with all the paint chipped away on it. While we were walking up the driveway to ring the doorbell, this old lady opened the window and yelled, '' get out of here and away from my house.'' the worst treat i ever got was an apple. the best treat i ever got was a snickers!!! Shaylee Diediker

Anonymous said...

This one time I went to a haunted house with blood(fake) on the walls and an eyeball in a jar(also fake), I saw the candy when I got some a men came out with a chain saw(real) and scared me so much I almost wet my pants. The best best custom I wore was a spider-man(spider-man 2) suit.

Anonymous said...

My familly has always participated in El Dorado's Trickortreat down the street. I have never been verry scared because I know that the costumes are fake,right. Right! The only favorite costume that I've had was the Master Chief costume. I've never had a bad treat. The best treat i've had was a jumbo Twix.

Anonymous said...

My family has a tradition to dress up every year.I 've
been spooked a lot. Sometimes from my dad and sister.My favorite costume was when I dressed up as a sniper.I got a sucker that had ants in it.My favorite treat was a big snickers.I remember when I dressed up as the tin man when I was little.


Anonymous said...

One Halloween i was a gorilla and I made my little brother scared. then he slept with my mom and my dad for a week i was grounded for a week to cause my dad was really mad. I even get scared now and then some from Halloween and some from my brothers but it is fun too get your blood pumping every once in a while.My mom makes up dress up as sumthing good and not violint i dont blame her she makes a list of the houses we have to go to so we dont get lost and at the end of the list we usualy go and eat at my aunts house she usaly mixes up gummy eyes and worms and apple sause it is really good my aunt still comes with us somtimes she says u can never be to old for candy.

Anonymous said...

We usually go to Gardner, KS with my family. we go to a big bash party and hang around the house. I have really been scared once four or five years ago. My favorite costume was Jason. I dont remember my favorite and worst treat but im sure I had one.

Dylan Richwine

Anonymous said...

Ya weird .Ijust nhad to dress up to help my cusen she is three.I was little I hated the halloween store.When I was a pumkin. Ya it is carmel. kitkats they are awsome. Well my mom was making everyone share with their candy. I shared more than anyone. I hate tootse rolls.So gave mine to my grandma. Kayleigh

Anonymous said...

I have never been so very spooked. My favorite costume well problle be this years. I well be wearing my 2010 Spring Dance Recitle costume. It is a black sequen,green,black,pink(my favorite color),purple,and the most imporant part that makes a dance costum a dance coustume rock SPARKLES. Sadly I got the most wounderful thing any kid wants a cookie i could not remember were I got it so I could not eat it it was so sad. The best treat was a full candy bar from my mom so is so awsome every year see gives full candy bars not bit size FULL. They are good because the candy bars are Snikers,Twikkes,3 MUSKATERS, RESSE'S, HERSHEY. O YA, THIS IS WHAT MAKES MY HALLOWEEN AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I have never been so very spooked. My favorite costume well problle be this years. I well be wearing my 2010 Spring Dance Recitle costume. It is a black sequen,green,black,pink(my favorite color),purple,and the most imporant part that makes a dance costum a dance coustume rock SPARKLES. Sadly I got the most wounderful thing any kid wants a cookie i could not remember were I got it so I could not eat it it was so sad. The best treat was a full candy bar from my mom so is so awsome every year see gives full candy bars not bit size FULL. They are good because the candy bars are Snikers,Twikkes,3 MUSKATERS, RESSE'S, HERSHEY. O YA, THIS IS WHAT MAKES MY HALLOWEEN AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

When I was about 3 years old i was a ladybug for halloween. I had my face painted bright red and I had black mitts on.. Cute Right?? Well anyway back to my story. I was getting ready and I looked in the mirror. I screamed so loud!!! I had not seen my costume before I tried it on.. Also I didnt relize I already had a costume on. I also relized that the ladybug was doing the same thing i was.. My mom ran into the room!! Frightended she said, "Why are you screaming??" I answered, "There is a big ladybug copying me." She said that it was just me looking in the mirror. I was still very scared though. After awile I was not very scared of mirror's anymore....
My favorite costume of all time would have to be a monkey. I was a baby monkey for my first halloween!!! I was so cute and i looked even more like a monkey because i was in a baby sling!!! I loved that costume....
The worst halloween treat I ever had was a apple it sounds like i should have liked it fine. I do not know if it is true my sister KT says so but i am not sure. MY apple had a blade in it is what she said and if i would have eaten it i would have died... But thats all I know about the past.. So have a great halloween and stay away from apples...Just kidding.. Just have a good halloween. Gabrielle Anne Whelchel.

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