Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sportsmanship; What is it?

What is good sportsmanship? How do you feel when you see someone displaying poor sportsmanship? Is winning more important or how you played the game? How do you think sportsmanship will carry over into your adult life? When you see someone displaying poor sportsmanship, what would you like to tell them? What if that person is an adult?


Anonymous said...

Sportsmanship to me means to never put anyone down or put your self down, also it means to not have a bad attitude when u lose, and when you when not to brag.

Anonymous said...

sportsmanship is being a good sport and not getting really mad when you loose and always pick other people up and never put them down because they are not very good at that sport. it makes me kinda mad. how you played the game is way more important because if you played bad or did not not have good sportsmanship it matters nothing that you won. it will help be able to socialize with other people better. its just a game there no need to get all mad at people just go on with life. i normally don't say anything if it is.

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmanship is about being a good player, and not being mad when you lose. I don't always get why people show poor sportsmanship, I mean it's just a game. Winning isn't really the most important thing, what matters it that you have fun. It will matter when your an adult too. When I see someone having poor sportsmanship, I would like to tell them that it's just a game and the shouldn't be upset about it. It's kinda hard to tell an adult that though because you could get in trouble..

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmanship is not yelling at the other people playing the game! When I see someone else showing poor sportsmanship i feel bad. I feel that how you played, is better than winning! If you have good sportsmanship as a good, people we treat you good. I would like to tell them to be nice its just a game anyone could play! If its an adult giving poor sportsmanship I would tell them, is this how you want to be treated? If it is keep giving poor sportsmanship and, they will treat you like that! So dont give poor sportsmanship, give good sportsmanship, so you will be liked!

Anonymous said...

I believe you should have good sportsmanship were ever you go. When I see bad sportsmanship I dont want to do something with that person any more. I believe how you play the game is more important than if you win. If you are a good sport when you are young you will more help you when you are older. When you are in your adult ages you will need goods sportsmanship in your job. When someone displays poor sportsmanship I would like to tell them to be a better sport or don't play. I would still like to tell them that even if there an adult, but I wouldn't.

Anonymous said...

good sportsmensip is were even if you loose or get on a team you dont like or even geet cold names you are still happy and havin fun!
i feel sad for them and glad its not me sometimes ill even try to help them cheer up and be a good sport!
how you played the game. And weather you had good sportsmenship or not.
I thank it would be greet to have more people have good sportsmenship.
wow! someone how actrolly hasd good sportsmenship.
Id probly say i likethe way you have good sportsmenship!

Anonymous said...

I believe that good sportsmanship is to what Coach Clark says, " You win with class, you lose with class. " When I see someone showing poor sportsmanship I will ether ignore it or ask them to stop. I also think a win is only a true win if you played right and didn't cheat. If you show poor sportsman ship as a kid then you will show it as a adult. When at a game and I see someone showing poor sportsmanship I will tell them to put a sock in it. If it was an adult I would say that to them nicely. So that is what I think good sportsmanship is.

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmanship is like if make a touchdown in football u don't brag, or if u tackled some 1 u don't like spit at them, that's what i think bad sportsmanship is. How u played the game is more important because if u do not play very well you will probably lose.
i think it will carry over to my adult life a lot if i have good Sportmanship, if i would have bad sportmanship no 1 would like me when i am a adult. What i would like to tell them is a long story about what there adult life would be like, unless they r a adult. That's what i think a bad, or a good sportmaship is.

Anonymous said...

I think that good sportsmanship is when lets say if you are playing a game and you dont like it then you could just play it anyway to be a good sportsmanship. I think that i would be sad because they are not being nice to the other people that are playing the game because they are not being a good sportsmanship. I thak that winning is not more thyan when you play the game because when you are playing the game you are being a good sportsmanship and if u just want to winn the game then you are being a bad sportsmanship. I think it will because if you are a good sportsmanship during a game then everyone will be a good sportsmanship. i would like to tell them that if you are not being a good sportsmanship then would you leave please because i dont want to here it.i wouldn't care if it was a kid or an adult i would tell them both the same think.

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmanship is when you help your other players out. I do not feel very good if your team is not have any sportsmanship. how you play the game is more important because if you do not play good you do not win. I think it will carry on to me. I would tell them to have good sportsmanship for the other team. Just tell them to have good sportsmanship and just leave it alone.

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmanship is when you play the game fairly and treat your team mates and opponents fairly. In my opinion, it's unfair to display poor sportsmanship, and I feel sad because I don't like seeing someone getting put down. How you played the game, like how fair you were and how you treated everyone, is more important than winning the game. It will help us when we are adults to help people and encourage them when they need it. If I saw someone showing poor sportsmanship, I would tell them that the game is much more fun when you cheer everyone on, and that doing that might help your team win the game. If an adult was doing that, I would cheer them and their team on, and hopefully that would make them happier so they wouldn't show poor sportsmanship.

Anonymous said...

Sportsmanship is not complaining or bragging. I feel almost embarrassed to see people do that. How you play the game really shows what type of player you really are. You will be able to interact in public better.
Come on man your better than that.
I think that they apparently need to grow up a little bit already.

Anonymous said...

It kinda makes me down when i see someone else down, If I cant keep their spirits up. I think how you played the game is what counts even tho it is nice to win. I think it will cary good into my adult life because I dont like seeing people down so I would try to help whoever was down get their spirits up because having the feeling of being down is not much fun. I would tell them to keep their spirits up and that they could get it next time, or i would tell them something to motivate them. If it was an adult i would probably tell them to keep trying.

Anonymous said...

It kinda makes me down when i see someone else down, If I cant keep their spirits up. I think how you played the game is what counts even tho it is nice to win. I think it will cary good into my adult life because I dont like seeing people down so I would try to help whoever was down get their spirits up because having the feeling of being down is not much fun. I would tell them to keep their spirits up and that they could get it next time, or i would tell them something to motivate them. If it was an adult i would probably tell them to keep trying.

Anonymous said...

what is good sportsmanship? Good sportsmanship is when you tell someone good job, or you help them up when they fell down. Its more important win to others but it is more important how you played in the game, Steve Prefontaine. when you go to a pro basketball game you can cheer or yell for the people you like on the team or the people you dont.I would tell them and the adult come on act your age have good sportsmanship.

Anonymous said...

Good spotmanship it is when you playwith other people and when you help out other people with other stuff. I don't like it when people do't have a good sportmanship. How you play cuase it dosen't matter if you win or lose. It should only matter how u play not if you win or lose. You will be a goodperson when you get to a adult. To get up and play. They can also helpm people out with stuff. Like homework or stuff around the house. If they are an adult. They can help you out with stuff.

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmanship is clapping for someone when they do something good. I feel bad for the other people on the other team.Winning is not more important then playing the game and having fun.I think it will carry on into my childrens life if i have eany and that will be a good thing.I will ask them why are you not being a good sportsmanship to that person.I would be nice and say excuse me can you be a good sportsman ship and clap for that person.

Anonymous said...

when you win a football game you go to parsons players and say good game beter luck next time.Like there a jerk.how you played the game.it will help u become a good citizen.that so what if they lost with a little bit of practice they might beat us next time.hey there not a bad person becuase they lost so leave them alone.

Anonymous said...

Sportman ship is when you might lend a hand, when you might say good job if your playing a game and they might miss the ball and. you dont say rude things
or snotty thing use foul language and stuff like that thats not good sports man ship.

Anonymous said...

Sportman ship is when you might lend a hand, when you might say good job if your playing a game and they might miss the ball and. you dont say rude things
or snotty thing use foul language and stuff like that thats not good sports man ship.

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmanship is when u don't care if u win or lose you just go out there and do your best and have fun. How u play the game is more important because if you cheat then your not being fair to whoever your playing with. I think sportsmanship will carry over good in my adult life because I play a lot of sports,and i don't cheat! If i saw some being a bad sportsman then I would tell them its not about winning its about doing your best and having fun! If that person was an adult I'd still tell them the same thing!

Anonymous said...

I would like to tell them that they are not playing fair and we were wondering if you could please stop .......... and that i hate it when someone gets left out

Anonymous said...

Sportsmanship is helping people win. When I see poor sportsmanship I help them. If you keep sportsmanship in your life it would be much better. I think it's more important how you play than wining.

Anonymous said...

Sportsmanship is when you win but don't brag. For example if I made a touchdown in football it would be good sportsmanship to tell the other team good job, instead of bragging. I hope that nobody has bad sportsmanship.

Anonymous said...

sportsmanship is were u don't act mean or selfish during a game.When some on shows bad sportsmanship it makes me feel mad because its just a game there is no need to get mad about it. Not every one is good at sports for example last year my basket ball team didn't when a single game but i didn't get mad. It's not about if u when or not it's about how u play the game. When u get older not everyone can be a good sport but if u actually no someone that has good sportsmanship then hopefully u can learn from them that u have to be a good sport to earn respect. When someone is showing bad sportsmanship i would tell them thats its just a game don't get mad. If the person was an adult i still would tell him because everyone need to have sportsmanship

Anonymous said...

Sportsmanship is when you win but don't brag. For example if I made a touchdown in football it would be good sportsmanship to tell the other team good job, instead of bragging. I hope that nobody has bad sportsmanship.

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmanship is not bragging every point you get. When i see someone having bad sportsmanship it makes them look pretty bad as a person. Definitly how u played the game! I think you wont have many people that want to hang around you if you have bad sportsmanship. When I see someone having bad sportsmanship I want to tell them to calm down, or noone likes listening to you. If that person was an adult that would make them look worse than a kid that has bad sportsmanship.

Anonymous said...

I think that you should always have a good sportsmanship. I like to win but you should not show off. If you lose say good job. You should never cheat if you do you could get yourself in big trouble. Never say you can't try your hardest and don't cheat and losing is good. If you don't be a good sportsmanship it makes you a bigger loser.

Anonymous said...

What is sportmanship?? Its how you get along in a game. How do you feel when you see someone displaying poor sprortmanship? I think they need to just have fun they need to act like how old they are! Is winnning more important or how you play the game? No i think as long as they are showing good sportsmanship they are practilly winning the game while losing. How do you think sportsmanship will carry in your aldult age??I think it will go great!!When you see someone displaying poor sportmanship what would you say to them??I would say just play the game and have fun!!What if that person is an adult??I would think that there not a good person and they need to be mature!!

Anonymous said...

A good sportsmanship is someone who doesn't only care about winning and if someone dose good they will pat them on the back or say good job. When I see someone who's a displaying poor sportsmanship you don't feel very good and you don't really want to play sports or any game. Winning is good but its not better then being a good sport. If you keep on being a good sport more people will want to play with you or hang around with around you more. I would like to tell them your not being a good sport so please stop and if they were an adult I don't think I would say anything.

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmanship, is when u are nice and caring to people.I feel that that's not right and i should do something about it. Playing the game, because it doesn't matter if u win it matters that you didn't cheat or have bad sportsmanship. If somebody dosn't teach you when your a young you will never now what u would of been like. You need to be a good person and don't be mean. There parents never taught them to have good sportsmanship.

Anonymous said...

Leting everyone play in the game your playing.
I feel bad when someone doesn't want to play with us. How you played the way you play the game. I don't know. You can do it. I would cheer for them.

Anonymous said...

I play lots of sports. Good sportsmanship is very inportant. When you are on a team everyone needs to act right. If you have bad sportsmanship you could be hurting other people around you i know from exprents. Don't get me ronge it is good to be happy but not rude. Good sportsmanship well be good in adult life because when you work in most jobs you interact with diffrent people. When i see someone having bad sportsmanship i want to ask them to stop. If a adult is showing bad sportsmanship i think they r being very immature.

Anonymous said...

I play lots of sports. Good sportsmanship is very inportant. When you are on a team everyone needs to act right. If you have bad sportsmanship you could be hurting other people around you i know from exprents. Don't get me ronge it is good to be happy but not rude. Good sportsmanship well be good in adult life because when you work in most jobs you interact with diffrent people. When i see someone having bad sportsmanship i want to ask them to stop. If a adult is showing bad sportsmanship i think they r being very immature.

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmanship is when you don't say bad things to the other team if you lose. I don't feel good when people display poor sportsmanship because what they say can be very hurtful. I think its about how you play. So you don't get at other people.I would say not to be mad at them.I would say you should be setting a asample for us.

Anonymous said...

good sportsmen like conduct would be like saying good job when they do somethang good. Like hit a homerun

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmanship is not gloating about winning
and it IS however not being mad when you lose
and accepting if you win or lose.
When I see someone displaying bad sportsmans-
hip, I wish I could tell them to stop.
If you do your best,you've won.
Don't let bad sportsmanship carry.
If you do have bad sportsmanship, JUST STOP!!!!
same thing,JUST STOP!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmanship is being greatfull even though you lost for enstince, if someone on your basketball team makes a shot do not yell and say, "You suck," to the other team because what if that happend to you? When i see sommeone displaying sportsmanship I would go tell the adualt because they might know excaccly know how to fix it. I would not try and fix it my self because i might end up getting hurt. I also think winning is good but having fun is a lot better! So if you feel like you want to say somthing say it but then tell them they did a great job also. Sportsmanship will carry over my adault hood because if i become a foumous athleat. I would just nicley ask them to stop because it is making you feel bad. Just ask them to stop and be sure to always say please because adaults would want some respect. And if they hit or kick you tell your parrents, they will want to know. So be a good sportsman it won't hurt someone elses feelings.

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmanship means that you should tell the team or persongoodjob if you won and being a bad sportman showing yourself inside and out. Bad because you may not have many freinds. Defenitly how you played the game.Awsome because you will be able to work anybody.It's not about wining or losting it's about the way you play the game.That would be bad because adult's are suppose to know better.

Anonymous said...

Good sportsmenship is when you have fun and not worry about wining and letting everyone play.
I feel sad inside and i want to help bad when i see bad sportsmenship but i dont want to get any one in troble. I just want to play i dont care if i lose. I think that i will all ways have good sportsmenship. I will tell them to stop and have a good time.