Monday, March 29, 2010

Let's Go Fly a Kite!

We made kites last week during Art period and we will fly them soon! Did you enjoy making your kites? Do you have any special memories of kite flying with your family? I remember buying kites for my boys and Wal-mart didn't have enough "boy" kites so we ended up with a bunch of manly kites and one Barbie kite. That's right, a Barbie kite. When we flew them that day, the boys and Andy had a kite fight in the air and guess who took everyone else's kites down? You got that right; it was Barbie all the way!!! Blog back and let me know if you liked making kites and if I should do it next year with the sixth grade and tell me about a kite memory you have.


Anonymous said...

I like to make the kites. I think you should do that with the 6 th grade next year. i have no kite flying memories.Also this is not a babyish activity.

Anonymous said...

I really liked making the kite. I liked how we got to draw whatever we wanted on it. You should do it with your kids next year. I think they would enjoy it. I really dont remember any kite flying experiances when I was younger.

Anonymous said...

I liked making them and I want to have a kite war. I bought a kite that I tied to my remote controlled boat to see if I could make it fly but it did not work.

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed making kites in art.I think the sixth graders will enjoy it too next year.The best memory I have had is last year when we were flying kites my kite went into the barbed wired fence and put a huge hole in it so i couldn't fly it anymore.

Anonymous said...

i think this is a really good idea. i think you should do this with the people you have next year. andrew

Anonymous said...

I had a lot of fun making my kite. I liked how I could make it my own. I really think you should do this next year. They will have a lot of fun just like I did. I have never flew a kite in my whole life so this will be my very first time.


Anonymous said...

YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MRS.T i love kite making and i did this last year. Mine was the best i flew the highest out of like 12 people thats a lot to me. I wish that the 5th gets to have a fun time like last year when i did it.Go's up so high it may as well be as big as the water tower!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yes, i had fun making my kite it looks awsome. My family and I had a lot of fun with our kites we would tie a dog bone to the kite and let the dogs chase after the kite it did not stay in the air that long before it fell the wieght was to much u guess.


Anonymous said...

yes i enjoyed making our kites. I like to make kites and i think that making kits are fun for us and for anyone else. yes i think that you should make kites with your sixth grade next year. Once i got a kite from easter and my dad and my brother and i were all trying to get my kite to fly, and the wind was blowing and it would not fly so we all gave up on it. Then an hour later i got my kite to fly all by myself. Then my brother came out to see what i was doing and when he saw the i had my kite in the air. He ran in the house and told my family that i got it into the air and they were so proud of me and every easter i get a kite.

Anonymous said...

Yes I loved making the kites.
You should do it next year with the sixth graders.
uWhen i was little my uncles and I went to a field and we would put money in a jar and whos ever kite was the highest won the jar full of money


Anonymous said...

Making the kites was hard but I think it will pay off in the end. I think that the kids next year will love to make kites and have a kite war!!!! Like this year. I also think that the under dog barbie kite was pretty lucky to have survived that battle. One memory that I have flying kites was last yaer when we flew them out behind the school. I rember that my kite took out the highest kite when mine tangeled it's string leaving it paraliesed. Which then let mine go the highest. HA HA I cheated!! So that is my comment hope it was awesomes. BYE BYE Matt B

Ben said...

Yes i loved making kites. Yes i think you should. A memory i have of flying a kite was when my sister asked me if she could fly my kite and i said yes you can and she went outside and she let it go and she said WOW it was a dream.

Anonymous said...

I than k it is fun making the kites and u should do them with the sixth grade next year because i thank they will thank it is fun and cool. one time me and my step cusine flue a kite and it went hi in the sky. the kite was a owl and it was preaty.
