Monday, March 28, 2011

Hey all of you Galesburg Middle Schoolers! I hope you had a great spring break. I would like you to tell me the following about yourselves in a blog.

1. What did you do productive this past week? (tell about it)
2. What did you do "just for fun?"
3. What happened, if anything that you did not enjoy? (tell about it)

Do you think Spring Break is important for kids and teachers? Why or why not?

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Bring on State Assessments!

Hey kids,
It will soon be time for the "dreaded" state assessments! How do you feel about the state tests? Do they "freak" you out or are you confident enough that you somewhat enjoy them? Do you think it is important that we have standardized testing so that we can monitor student improvement and teacher effectiveness? How do your teacher's feel about the state tests? Blog back and let me know how you feel about the upcoming tests. Which ones will you be taking? How do you anticipate you will do? What is your best strategy to share with others that will help them do well on the tests? Write back, and remember to sign your name to your blog but publish anonmously!!

Mrs. T

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bring on Halloween!!!

Hey kids,
It's nearly time for the Fall holidays and Halloween comes to mind. I have always loved Halloween. I love to scare people but I am the biggest scaredy cat in the world. Weird, huh? I would like for you to think about your Halloweens from the past and share some of the traditions that you and your family have participated in. Has there been a time that you were especially spooked? What was your favorite costume of all time? Can you remember your worst treat you ever received? What about your favorite? Share some of your Halloween memories with me.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Sportsmanship; What is it?

What is good sportsmanship? How do you feel when you see someone displaying poor sportsmanship? Is winning more important or how you played the game? How do you think sportsmanship will carry over into your adult life? When you see someone displaying poor sportsmanship, what would you like to tell them? What if that person is an adult?

Monday, March 29, 2010

Let's Go Fly a Kite!

We made kites last week during Art period and we will fly them soon! Did you enjoy making your kites? Do you have any special memories of kite flying with your family? I remember buying kites for my boys and Wal-mart didn't have enough "boy" kites so we ended up with a bunch of manly kites and one Barbie kite. That's right, a Barbie kite. When we flew them that day, the boys and Andy had a kite fight in the air and guess who took everyone else's kites down? You got that right; it was Barbie all the way!!! Blog back and let me know if you liked making kites and if I should do it next year with the sixth grade and tell me about a kite memory you have.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome back students!
For the next two weeks we will be studying Earth and Space. Please leave a comment as to how interested you are about Space Studies. Also, tell me about a topic you would like to learn more about in our studies. If you know an interesting fact that you would like to share with your class, please put it on my blog. Thanks for taking time to respond to my blog questions and don't forget to answer the poll questions to the right!
Mrs. T

Thursday, February 5, 2009